Why So Serious?

by | Dec 17, 2019 | 0 comments

I love a business lunch.

I’ll have a sidecar please. The waiter perplexed as to what a Sidecar is, let alone a thirty something ordering off the drink menu, shuffles off to consult the barman. Impressed, the 50 year old pro gives me a wink and a nod. It’s going to be a good lunch. The first sip, perfection, not unlike the first photograph of our session together. A perk of working for yourself, booze at 12:30pm.

I’m sitting with a Visionary artist and digging into the drama that is hustler life. Me personally, I’m not one to talk much about my life. I tend to lean towards fun anecdotes around work and the family, to which my lunch partner interjects her love of my group selfies. I’m becoming more and more aware it’s now apart of my brand, goofy expressions et al. To be honest the expression is just to hide my chubby face. 😉

But in all seriousness, I don’t take this seriously, be it the selfie or otherwise, and neither should you. You know who does? Robert De Niro on the cover of GQ. Why? His expression to me looks as if he has gas or in desperate need to say, pass the Pepto please. People, we’re taking photographs here, not curing cancer.

One of the many reasons I’ll never be considered a true Fashion Photographer is my interest in people. Oh you know, what defines their character rather than their wardrobe. Expression reigns supreme in my shots, but if I’ve learned anything over the 15+ years at this as a pro, throughout hundreds of image reviews with clients and fashion execs, the photos chosen more often than not are the ones where the outfit looks amazing, and the expression says, “Does anyone have any Gas-X?”

So why do we admire constipation so much? Born into a photo game we don’t even know we’re playing with made up rules, when photo time hits everyone races to do their best, I look fabulous but clearly I’m not happy face for the camera. An image seconded by the highly popular duck face, or my favorite the classic middle finger to the camera photograph. Puke.

As you take on 2020 in all seriousness, think of the message you’re expressing to your audience. Maybe you really are gassy, but then again, maybe you haven’t been given the space to take a deep breath, release and be you.

Express yourself with Karjaka in 2020 and don’t take any of this too serious. Lord knows I’m not.

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