LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Of the Earth, get dirty, dig. Journeys are never what they seem to those who aren’t you traveling your path. Plans, ideas, seeds, we all have idyllic visions of how things could or should look, only to be surprised at what actually takes hold in...
Get Lucky
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Don’t force the issue. Wait for it. Take a beat. Deep breaths. Listen. Not unlike life, photoshoots can be chaos... controlled chaos but chaotic nonetheless. No matter how much prep and pre production you’ve storyboarded and talked thorugh,...
Love Thy Self
TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I love photos, and rightly so. You wouldn’t be reading and perusing our work if we, me and my team, weren’t obsessed with what we do. That obsession, passion, is pervasive everywhere. So much that it often comes out in the...
Facing a New Year
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR NEW Year, New You... BS It’s MY Photo and I’ll Smile if I want to. I’ve never been big on this whole reinvent yourself guru mantra that gets spread at the beginning of every new year. Maybe it’s because my birthday always looms a mere few weeks...
The Cover Edition 2022
THANK YOU FROM THE EDITOR Some would say this edition is a little late, that Christmas has already passed and we're on to New Years. However, being raised Christian by a Roman Catholic and Orthodox Ukrainian, the 12 days of Christmas takes on longer journey, or in my...
At Home with Bryan Wells
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I'll Take: Staying in New York during the holidays for $500, Alex. It's that time of year. Pumpkin everything, parades, gift nightmares, travel woes, and family drama. Have I covered it all? Not likely but you get the point. Me, I stick it out...
Journey of the Multi-Keyboard Artist
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I have a low threshold for the Horror genre as a whole. I know I might be expressing something controversial, however outside of Hitchcock and a few other master works, (Is Hitch even considered horror by today's standards?) I could live without...
Refracted Faces of David Skeist
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR No, this is not some exhausted ode to Al Pacino a la Scarface, however eyes are usually the first thing I notice on a new acquaintance, and that usually gets me curious as to what's behind them... what had made them. In David's case I saw a...
Embrace Your Face
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Boxes, poxes and more poxes of boxes. Please no box, I'm done box. I don't want to be in a box. Why does everything we do need a label box? A box for this, a box for that, a pox, a box on your house. Specificity down to the boxatomic level. Why...
New York Ensembles
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I, like you, have a million things on my daily list. And a big one that can be a pit of despair social media. … I have to post, what do I post, when do I post, did I already post this, can I repost that, am I still a good photographer, are these...