Talk Dirty to Me.

by | Nov 20, 2019 | 0 comments

You know you want to. Tell me your secrets. Confess, you visual sinner, you! Reservation be damned. Be vulnerable and open up for once in your artistic life. Let your guard down. This is you, your image we’re talking about after all.

We’re moments away from the holiday hubbubbery and the calls are pouring in for booking. We’re primed to purchase for the holidays, showing our love for one another, or God forbid, ourselves. So when you call to me, don’t tell me you’re looking for a beautiful photograph. Shut the door, close the curtains, take a deep breath and gimmie the gossip and news.

Pull me in tight. Whisper in my ear what you really want to hear… in your photograph. What’s the message? What does your heart tell you? There are photographers on every corner that you could choose from, but you’ve come this far. The energy, lighting, style, drama, fun, all of it, yes we’ll capture that and more. But what keeps you up tossing and turning at night? What do you yearn for? Tell Karjaka.

Your portrait is a Rembrandt we paint together. Put aside usage and utility and speak your truth. Release that prisoner of visual war. Spin me a tale of love, song of passion for your love affair with you, and let’s create Art.

Call me. Write me. Talk Dirty to me.

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