Audrey Hepbone

by | Oct 23, 2015 | 0 comments

Remember the first time you saw Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Audrey getting out of a cab on 5th Ave… strolls over the the window display and bites into a warm croissant? That moment sets you up for the entire film. Something simple and elegant in that moment.

Now enter Jen Hinkle.

Jen and I met at a delightful dinner party a few months ago we got to chatting about her modeling portfolio. A newly initiated New Yorker, she’s also tearing up the Broadway scene as a bass trombonist sub on shows such as Wicked. A few weeks later we got together and started talking about concept designs to explore in the studio. I had mentioned the idea of doing something elegant in the style and class of Jackie O. Jen immediately sprang up with this delightful concept she’d been exploring.

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On a shoe string budget with most of the accessories and outfit coming from Jen, we were able to piece this lovely image together quite nicely. The most intricate part of this look, as Jen can attest to, was the hair. This bun like creation is the interweaving of several procedures into one. I’ll spare you the intricate bits, but needless to say we think it came out quite nicely!Blog - Breakfast-2

Now, after spending some time sculpting light and getting comfortable with one another, in this budding collaboration, we just about finished the shoot itself when Jen reminded me that she had brough her bass trombone. Jose and I jumped at the opportunity to try some.

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A little behinds the scenes moment with Jen and our man Jose. Jose wears a lot of hats in the studio. Today he’s our assistant. He’s also our UX designer of this fabulous website and blog, marketing guy and all around Guru. More on that later.

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So with bass trombone in hand, we were able to capture this beauty in shot 4. It’s the perfect culmination of the concept molded with the instrument.

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A sassy portrait.

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And finally, a portrait that can’t help but draw you in. Look at those sight lines!

A delightfully charming experience and pleasure to work with Jen. Be sure to check the pit of your next broadway show, she’ll be the one with a fascinator and bass trombone in hand.

Ciao Ciao!



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